Wednesday, April 27, 2011

~~ Bacon shell pasta 培根意大利面壳 ~~


bacon 200g, 2 sausages, 1 yellow/brown onion, red and green capsicum, 250g shell pasta, 200g fresh milk, 2 eggs, 100g mozzarella cheese, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 black pepper, 1 tbsp oregano,


1) Slice the bacon and sausages into small pieces.

2) Slice onions into onion rings and shred capsicums into smaller pieces.

3) Half-boil the pasta to soften it.

4) Mix milk, eggs, pepper and salt together into 1 bowl. Stir it well.

5) Heat up oil, saute onion until aromatic. Add in bacon and sausages after that. Saute until aromatic.

6) Add in shredded red and green capsicums and stir fry until aromatic.

7) Mixed pasta with the sauteed ingredients.

8) Pour the mixture into tray. After that, add the ingredients in number 4 on top of it. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese and oregano onto mixture.

9) Put tray into oven and heat mixture at 150
°C for 15-20 minutes until cheese melts.

10) Once done, take tray out and put into a bowl. The shell pasta is now ready to serve.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

~~ Spanish style ham pilaf 西班牙式火腿抓饭 ~~

5 slices paprika ham, 2 chorizo smoked chicken sausages, red and yellow capsicum, tomatoes, parsley leaf, celery, carrot, onion finally chopped, garlic crushed, 1/2 tsp ground turmeric, 1/4 lemon zest, 1 tbsp lemon juice, chicken stock, a pinch salt, 1 bowl white rice
paprika火腿切细条, 二条香肠熏鸡香肠切小片红色和黄色的辣椒番茄,香菜叶,芹菜,胡萝卜以上的材料切粒, 洋葱和切碎 , 1 / 2茶匙姜黄粉,1 / 4小柠檬皮1 汤匙柠檬汁,鸡精汤,1大碗白米饭

加入3汤匙食油,将洋葱和大蒜香,加入火腿和香肠香, 又加进红色和黄色的辣椒芹菜,胡萝卜 过后加入白米饭一起香和番茄拌均, 再加少许盐, 鸡精汤和1 / 2茶匙姜黄粉香拌均, 便放进烤箱烤25-30分钟,过后取出来加进柠檬皮柠檬汁和香菜拌入一些调味油seasoning oil, 胡椒粉,* 如果要味道重一些可以加点paprika powder *, 这样西班牙式火腿抓饭就完成了

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

~~ 在家轻松叹下午茶 ~~


flour 300g, baking powder 1tbsp, UHT whipping cream 300g,



Saturday, April 9, 2011

~~ Sawdust Cake 木糠蛋糕 ~~

这次再做木糠蛋糕,改变了一点,没把材料放进杯子而改用放入一片海绵蛋糕作底,添加了oreo 饼干.. 味道没变一样好吃*

Friday, April 8, 2011

~~ 芙蓉烧包 ~~

第一次做芙蓉烧包, 皮厚厚滴味道嘛嘛地.. 因为馅料煮得有点甘, 希望下一次做会好一点

面粉 200g, 牛油 25g, 糖 25g, 水 120g,

面粉 160g, 白油 100g,

叉烧 300g, 洋葱 1 粒, 青豆 3 tbsp, 蚝油 2 tbsp, 黑油 2 tbsp, 胡椒粉 1 tsp, 盐 1/2 tsp, 糖 2tbsp

Saturday, April 2, 2011

~~ Moist Chocolate Cake 巧可力蛋糕 ~~

A: 牛油 150g, 糖 170g +-, 盐1/8 tsp,

B: 蛋 3 粒,

C:面粉 170g, 巧可力粉 90g, 苏打粉 1/4 tsp, 筛过备用

D:牛奶水 200g,






巧可力霜chocolate ganache做法:

Bekels Dark chocolate conventure 400g, dairy whipping cream 200, butter 20g, Liquor 5 tbsp,

首先将chocolate隔水煮溶,另外煮热dairy whipping cream 加入煮溶的chocolate又加进butter和 Liquor,搅拌均匀至滑, 待冷备用,

将烤好得蛋糕冷却后切成两片, 如果觉得蛋糕有点干... 少少提示,}} 酒参水,或 咖啡粉参水 {{ 这两者都可以洒在蛋糕里,这样蛋糕会湿润多了,过后才搽上巧可力霜和配上果仁, 加一杯热咖啡, 哈!好吃的巧可力蛋糕诞辰了..

这蛋糕也有另一种吃法,就是把蛋糕放进微波炉加热10秒钟,拿出来配搭上雪糕冰淇淋香蕉和草莓, 这味道肯定会令你回味无穷..


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