Saturday, July 16, 2011

~~ Sawdust Cake 木糠蛋糕 ~~

这木康蛋糕越吃越诱人, 当你吃了一口就停不了口...

Ingredient 原料: UHT whipping cream 奶油 1000g, Condensed Milk 炼乳甜奶 200g +-,Digestives biscuits flakes 饼干

Method 做法:
1)Mix both whipping cream and condensed milk togerther, heat it up, then put it into the refrigerator until the next day. 将奶油和混合在一起,把它煮热不滚, 过后保起保鲜纸开几个小洞,然后放进冰箱隔天备用.

2) Mash the biscuits flakes. 将饼干打碎备用, 饼干需要多少随意..

3) Beat the mixture of whipping cream and condensed milk with medium speed until fluffy.

4) Spread the mashed biscuits flakes and cram layer by layer in the cup until it's full

5) Put it into refrigerator to freeze, then you can enjoy you sawdust cake


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